
Sunday, October 6, 2013

My College Ring Day

couple of weeks ago was a big day for me! I finally got my college ring. It's a huge deal at my school, friends and family come in town for your big day. Me and my roommate Katie were both getting our rings, and we looked forward to a day full of sunshine and a bunch of pictures. 

And that definitely did not happen. 

God definitely likes to teach lessons and this one was to not expect anything! The ring day was a day filled with thunderstorms. Not just a little rain that lasts for an hour or so, but huge thunderstorms that lasted from the early afternoon until late at night. My family had to tough out the weather in the hour and half drive, and although we thought we had been clever and ordered a taxi to pick us up from my place the taxi never showed.

 These pictures may not show it completely, but my dress was soaked from the waist down, and my mom had to run in the rain after parking the car in order to make it in time. But, I GOT MY RING! I can't help but to look down at my hand everyday and smile. I remember being stuck in traffic in my car that day, torrential rain pounding on my windshield, and then I looked down and there was this little piece of gold shining up at me. I'm so thankful for those that came to my big day, and I can't believe I'm a senior. I'm determined to make the most of these next couple months. 

Right before my sister put my ring on

 In this picture, my sister and I are screaming in excitement. Did I mention getting my ring is a big deal at my school?

My lovely mother and sister 

Me and my roomies (Katie, the one in the red dress, also got her ring that day!)
Shop my outfit: Dress Bag Similar Earrings Similar Bracelets