
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tribal Time

{Shop the outfit: similar blazer similar dress necklace tutorial to come soon!} 

Because this weekend was less than productive, (to give you an idea, a majority of it was playing Sims Castaway on the Wii) I've already had to start playing "catch-up". Sighhh I'll never learn.

However, I did attend this really cool music festival. The event was to raise awareness of sex trafficking. There were some local bands that played, and also some guest speakers that shared experiences they've had with God. It was insane because I just realized why I had chose Texas A&M this week (see this post) and one of the speakers spoke about the same exact thing.

Some of you may have been like me a couple months ago, and never even considered sex trafficing being a problem in our nation. But, it is. And, sadly, one of the biggest problem areas is in my home state, Houston.

Found out more also look at this

Also, while at this event, local christian groups, local businesses and other companies set up booths where many donated a percentage of their sales to stop sex trafficking. Lucky for me... Hello Somebody watches were there. I had been wanting one of these for a while so imagine my joy when I came across this fella:

In the words of Mr. Darcy "I wish to never be parted from you from this day on". That's me talking to my watch. Everyone does that right? Anyways, you should get one because the company has partnered with a organization in the Dallas Fort Worth area to stop sex trafficking and it's a great cause and a totes cute watch. Over and out.

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